Connect generations
Equip households
Create centers for the faith practice of generosity
Growing in God’s Grace Generation to Generation
The goals of The Generosity Project are to connect and engage all generations, equip every age and household for the faith practice of generosity, and to grow in God’s grace generation to generation.
TGP is a comprehensive, multi-faceted resource that engages all ages in the effective practices of cross†generational interaction, discipleship and stewardship. TGP provides a detailed guide for use in small groups, family camp, VBS, confirmation, intergenerational Sunday school, take-home conversation and activities — virtual or in person. It may be utilized by a household, a gathering of congregations, and for a faith community’s preaching, worship and fall stewardship focus. The possibilities for an expanded, year-round emphasis on cross†generational relationships, discipleship, and stewardship are endless.
Foundation & Fundamentals
The Generosity Project offers an approach to cross†generational ministry, discipleship and stewardship based on commonly held beliefs and effective practices in faith formation, research, Scripture and a Lutheran understanding of baptism.
Count all the hours individuals in your household give to practicing the piano, guitar, choir, dance, baseball, soccer, swimming, yoga, math, cooking, or keeping one’s balance as we age… and the list goes on. For all the various reasons and hours we commit to practicing, doesn’t it make sense to practice generosity!
TGP History
Website made possible by a grant to the Grand Canyon Synod from the SOLI Foundation. This website is meant to serve as a repository for all resources related to The Generosity Project — past, current, and those yet to be developed.
The Generosity Project (TGP) is an expression of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). TGP was birthed as a result of an initial grant from the ELCA Macedonia Project (2011) with the purpose of growing faithful, steward leaders.
The Rocky Mountain Synod, a regional ELCA office, submitted the original proposal for The Generosity Project in 2011. Synod staff representing Outreach and Mission (the Rev. Jim Hytjan), Stewardship (the Rev. Dan Bollman), and Children, Youth and Household Ministry (Linda Staats), collaborated to create a unique approach to stewardship that crosses all generations and focuses on equipping households.
With continued support from the ELCA and Keith Mundy, Program Director for Stewardship, The Generosity Project became an in-depth 4-hour Introductory Workshop piloted nationally beginning in 2013. Events in 10 synods and more than 50 congregations provided valuable insight for the 2019 expanded curriculum, The Generosity Project: 5G.
A note of gratitude to all those who helped pilot, shape and contributed to The Generosity Project. Our appreciation to Linda Staats who served as the ELCA TGP Coordinator 2/2013-2/2021 and continues as a passionate TGP advocate. TGP continues to evolve and grow as the result of a network of TGP Champions across the USA and beyond.